If you need help with your income taxes, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re an individual who needs help with a simple tax return or itemizing your tax deductions, E B Kozacek & CO. can help. Below is a list of some, but by no means all, of our areas of expertise…
- W-2’s, all types of 1099’s, all types of 1098′, and K-1’s
- Schedule A: Medical, Taxes, Mortgage & Investment Interest, Charitable contributions, & Misc.
- Schedule C: Small Business Income & Expenses including mileage log.
- Schedule D: Information Brokerage Investment entities.
- Schedule E: Rental properties and there related expenses.
- Schedule F: Farms both crop and animal income & expenses.
- Home Office allowances both direct & indirect expenses
- All miscellaneous individual forms as needed.
- Electronic filing of Federal and all necessary States.
Pricing is based on forms required, and all State returns are FREE. Give us call today at 303-238-7930 for an appointment.
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